Thursday, March 19, 2015


COLLEGE DAYS is one of the most awaited and anticipated event every year in University of Cebu Lapu-Lapu and Mandaue (UCLM) it is the day were all departments in the University would participate and interact with each other. There are lots of things during the event, a lot of entertainment for the students as well as for the teachers. It is the time to rejoice and participate in any activities you would want to.  I don’t usually get involved in any activities like this .But this year was different, being in the 3rd year level as an HRM student. One of our teachers is the coordinator of the event. At first she assigned our section to present a dance themed Thailand, which comes to the theme ASEAN for this year. It is quite exciting at first because I was one of the students who is assigned to help make the costumes. But the following day, our teacher assigned me to join the quiz bowl team. At first I said no, because I have no idea for this event and I find myself unprepared. But I have no choice but to say yes because she would fail me if I wouldn't participate. The only thing I know what to do is to remember all my learning during my first year level up to the present because somehow I know that the things would come out would be related to our course. I wasn't able to prepare myself for the event but I told myself that it’s something normal as a student. We are 3 members in our team somehow I feel excited at the same time nervous. The spelling bee was held on the first day of the event. I observe the flow of the event and I find myself thinking that it is quit fun though. The day of the quiz bowl came, I was very nervous that time because as I can see from my surroundings, my other competitors see to be so serious and I find it very funny, because we’re supposed to have fun all through the competition. The quiz bowl went out well and we had fun. We were very proud shocked when the result came. We were in the 3rd place! And I can believe it because we just had fun and didn't mind the pressure. That’s how lucky we are on the day and I can see myself doing it again next year J

written by: Sheila Mae S. Tingig


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