Thursday, March 19, 2015


What make Southeast Asian Nations standout are its people and foods. People are considered to be a treasure to a country for the reason that they are the one who bring pride and it’s them who create the image for their country. And then the history about these people and his country is reflected to its food. As what would all tourist say,” the easiest way to know and understand a country is through its food.
The HRM students presented very well these two components (people and food). The students wore costume which represents the country they were assigned to. Each station was decorated accordingly. Some of them even greeted the visitors using the country language.
The highlighted countries were Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Indonesia and Malaysia. 

The Cambodia team came up with a simple design yet holds a respectful ambiance.

The Laos team showed elegance with their gold theme inspired station design.

The ethnicity of Myanmar was well presented by the design of the station.

The simple living of Indonesian was shown in the design of the booth.

Temple as the back draft, the team showed how rich Malaysia is.

Although all the team did very good job, it was the team Philippines that standout the most.

written by: Sharmaine C. Arcipe 

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