Wednesday, March 25, 2015

ASEAN Traditional Dance Competition

As University of Cebu-LM celebrates the College Day 2015 into ASEAN theme, organizers have created a very nice progmram that everyone could enjoy. The HRM Department has developed an activity in which each team will present a traditional dance based on the country that they represent. this activity is very much highlighted by each pair of ambassador and ambassadress in each team. there is separate judging on the over all performance of the team and the performance of each ambassador and ambassadress.

The programs turns out so well since each team gave their best from the costume, to the choreography and to their deliverance of the culture of the country that they represent. because it was not just a dance competition, it's also about how they deliver to the audience the culture of the country that they represent through dancing each traditional dance since each country has its own meaning os their traditional dance. it has story behind it.

At the end the team who brought the bacon was Indonesia and the ambassador winner is the ambassador of our team Mr. Ronan Lozano and the crowned ambassadress is the ambassadress of the team Philippines. It was a very successful event.

                                                                                                                  By: Geny Gaudia


University of  Cebu has been widely known for producing globally competitive professionals through their diverse and effective set of curricula, to appreciate and to expose student's abilities with these specialized profession, college days event was introduced. This year's event was participated by most of the college of Hotel and Restaurant Management with the theme of "Asean Festival", most of the students are busy and focusing on preparing their assign countries (first year until fourth year level), they are not only preparing for the booth but they also have corresponding activities to participate with. One of this activities is the table set up, because of the theme "Asean festivals" the department decided to have a different table set up according to the theme provided. There are 5 entries and 4for 1 entry for the table set up competition each levels must have 4 representatives selected students for the competition and lucky I'm one of them in our 3rd year batch, together with me are my co- classmates, Ronan Lozano, Cris John Rosal and Lancelothle Sagarino and of course our coach sir Roel Monsanto.It took a lot of time and effort for us to decide what country would it be and to come up a enthusiastic table set up, we search different Asean countries table set-up, sir Roel Monsanto give us also an ideas about their table set up before and that make us come up an idea of representing the country of Singapore base on what we have studied and conceptualize. We come up an idea of Singapore  because  of its beauty and simplicity of their culture, February 13, 2015 is the our first day of the college days, the day of our table set up judging, before the judgement day, we plan and prepare the things that we needed and finalize everything ahead of time. Finally the day come up and unexpected happen "win for the gold" that's what the audience remark from us and yes! We won for the gold medal and will be competing for table set up internationally that would be held in June or July 2015. We didn't expect of such a good accomplishment we have that day all our hard work and stress are worth it. In deepen the detailed our Singapore table set up, we use only our creativity, teamwork as a group and originality and a little accessories  for double attraction of our set up. We use utensils that reflect to our given menu and a center piece that are lovely to see in suit our table set up is somehow simple yet elegant, good for family dinner dates and friends just a perfect and dreamy table set up with the delicious food and wine that would be lovely and great date for family get away. This event surely defines and sharpens student's knowledge, awareness and educates the significant of the various industries as of myself, I never expect to see participating such a competition that gives me stressful like this but I came to realize that there is nothing wrong if you'll try until you prove to yourself that you have the guts to make your desirable set up and learn from it. Just believe what you can do and you'll see the positive results that you are waiting for.

Written by: Lea Silawan

Tuesday, March 24, 2015


Cake decorating It's easy to see when a cake decorating job is well done, with impressive finishing touches and cake decorating techniques such as perfect roses, borders or fondant accents.

Here you will get a step by- step rundown of the essential prep work and cake decorating ideas everyone must learn before starting to decorate. Cake decorating tips:
  Stock Up on the Basics Fancy equipment can be purchased later, but a few tools are essential: several featherweight pastry bags, a set of decorating tips, couplers for changing tips, an offset spatula for spreading frosting, and food coloring in basic colors (gels blend best with butter cream icing and are more intense than liquid; basic colors can be combined to produce other shades).
  Choose Your Components Frosting-and-cake combinations are nearly limitless. Decorator's Butter cream Icing, a classic recipe with a simple, sweet flavor that's extremely versatile. For a more sophisticated, rich flavor, use Swiss Meringue Buttercream. Chocolate Buttercream is another option, but it cannot be tinted with food coloring. For the cake, use one of the recipes 
 Rehearse for the Main Event Before tackling the cake, practice on a plate to gain confidence. Frosting can be scooped up and reused as long as it's rebeaten every half hour to maintain elasticity. 
 Perfect Your Technique Throughout piping, periodically twist the top of the bag and apply gentle pressure to push the frosting down toward the decorating tip. This helps eliminate air bubbles and ensures that an even stream of frosting comes out of the tip. Also, inspect the decorating tip regularly, wiping away any frosting buildup, which could interfere with your decoration.

Written by : Fritz Mark B. Tampil


Friday, March 20, 2015


A tour guide is a person who leads groups of people around a town, museum, or other tourist venue. The tour guide provides a commentary on the features and history of the location, the tours can be from as little as 10-15 minutes to extended periods over many days. Considerable importance is placed on the guide's knowledge of local stories, history and culture depending on the location of the tour.

When  I ask the tour guiding contestant they always say to me that the Tour guides work for tour and travel guide companies, cruise lines, visitors' bureaus and hotels as seasonal workers, independent contractors or full-time employees. They may lead walking tours, driving tours or cruises through popular sites, national parks, historic neighborhoods, museums or other regional points of interest. Tour guides must be able to retain historical facts, dates and anecdotes, and then relay that information to visitors in an entertaining, informative way. Being a tour guide is a good sideline because of the low start up cost and the ready market all year long many Filipinos are also more eager to explore the tourist spots in the country rather than going overseas.

Written by: Sabino T. Camilotes Jr.


Thursday, March 19, 2015


By recognizing challenges & find opportunities within the time

Tags: Risk / Opportunities/ Marketplace / Challenges / Time
As the ever-improving advances in communication technologies bring the world closer and make the marketplace far more widespread, businesses expand their reach and operations across the globe. The corporate world is now spreading its wings to remote locations.
The oil industry is facing a situation in which the bulk of the 'yet-to-find oil' will by and large come from the geologically complex, logistically difficult and remote areas that are generally backward economically, but are rich in ethnic cultures and nature's grandeur. Installations for processing and supply of oil and gas to be set up in these areas will also face the same challenges.
Companies that recognize such challenges and convert these into opportunities can be the winners at the end of the day and that too with the prospect of a long-term foot-print, by adopting an aggressive and yet a sustainable humane approach. What is more is that competition will be low and hence the premiums are likely to be modest for these assets, thus providing a great business opportunity, The fact is that oil and gas exploration and production activities will have to take place where the reserves are and however remote or sensitive the locations are. But the oil companies have lived through conflicts in the past and will necessarily find newer ways to resolve the added conflicts in future.

Written by: Gill Bryan Maribao



University of Cebu Lapu-Lapu & Mandaue celebrates College Days last February 13-14, 2015.Student and teachers were excited on this event as the theme is announced which was “UCLM GOES ASEAN”. Everyone was busy preparing for their presentation. There were a lot of competition includes on these event which makes it more fun and exciting but, what interest me most is the Sales Blitz competition. It’s a bit difficult making these because you are about to make your own hotel and market it. It includes making your own brand, your vision, mission & goals and so with the location, facilities & amenities and what’s important is your market strategy on how you convince the judges that your strategy will survive in the business world.
There are three groups to Present, first is the Central Plaza Hotel Group, Who is headed by their Sales & Marketing Director, Mr. Fredo Devibar. As I've expected, they have a very good concept, they have a good presentation with their slide show with pictures of their Facilities & Amenities, and they explain it well, which I know that the judges were satisfied. The second Presenter was the group of Ms. Patoc, they make a good presentation also but I think their explanations were not enough to convey the judges.
We were the last group to present and  I felt nervous on that time, it feels that I can’t hardly open my mouth, that was because I’m not exposed on public communication. Our presentation started with the opening words of Ms. Silawan, she does a good job. Next to that was our multi-media presentation, which is the flesh of our presentation and it contains the over view of our hotel. By the way, we are the “COSMOS HOTEL & SPA” team. As we play the video, I saw that everyone was looking on that, and I noticed that they were in focus on watching to it, I see also that they were enjoying. It feels relaxing but, there’s a question on my mind” do the judges like it?” when I looked into them, I saw that they were neutral even if people were having fun on it. As it finished, the question and answer started which I feared of, I hate on-the-spot question especially in the front of the public, it seems that my brains stops functioning. So, as it goes, my expectation happened, I did not have a good answer of their questions but it will be charge to my experience and so with my group mates. That was awesome experience.
On the awarding ceremony, the next day, Central Plaza Hotel won and we end up to 2nd place but even though we didn't won, the experience that we have and the new knowledge that we've acquired is more than enough to be happy.

written by: Roger S. Legaspo



COLLEGE DAYS is one of the most awaited and anticipated event every year in University of Cebu Lapu-Lapu and Mandaue (UCLM) it is the day were all departments in the University would participate and interact with each other. There are lots of things during the event, a lot of entertainment for the students as well as for the teachers. It is the time to rejoice and participate in any activities you would want to.  I don’t usually get involved in any activities like this .But this year was different, being in the 3rd year level as an HRM student. One of our teachers is the coordinator of the event. At first she assigned our section to present a dance themed Thailand, which comes to the theme ASEAN for this year. It is quite exciting at first because I was one of the students who is assigned to help make the costumes. But the following day, our teacher assigned me to join the quiz bowl team. At first I said no, because I have no idea for this event and I find myself unprepared. But I have no choice but to say yes because she would fail me if I wouldn't participate. The only thing I know what to do is to remember all my learning during my first year level up to the present because somehow I know that the things would come out would be related to our course. I wasn't able to prepare myself for the event but I told myself that it’s something normal as a student. We are 3 members in our team somehow I feel excited at the same time nervous. The spelling bee was held on the first day of the event. I observe the flow of the event and I find myself thinking that it is quit fun though. The day of the quiz bowl came, I was very nervous that time because as I can see from my surroundings, my other competitors see to be so serious and I find it very funny, because we’re supposed to have fun all through the competition. The quiz bowl went out well and we had fun. We were very proud shocked when the result came. We were in the 3rd place! And I can believe it because we just had fun and didn't mind the pressure. That’s how lucky we are on the day and I can see myself doing it again next year J

written by: Sheila Mae S. Tingig